I’ve Been Served With Papers. What should I do? So you’ve been served with papers. Whether a divorce, custody suit, modification, or enforcement, this can be a stressful...
Friday Milner Lambert Turner, PLLC
Divorce & Family Law Education Center
How to Testify in a Family Law Case
How to Testify in a Family Law Case Disclaimer: The following article is for educational purposes only. It is not legal advice. Every family law case is different and the below...
How to Win a Child Custody Case: 6 Rules
Rules to "Win" Your Child Custody Case August 6, 2022 | by J. Scott Milner Introduction The goal of this article is to provide some rules and guidelines to help you not...
Divorce: Understanding Co-parenting and Developing the Parenting Plan
Parenting can be tough enough as it is, but matters are often further complicated when parents are separated or divorced. For those who intend to co-parent well, cooperation is...
Why Does Divorce Privacy Matter?
People don’t always think first about their privacy when considering divorce. But what most folks don't realize is that the litigated divorce process is NOT private and that...
You Wouldn’t Do Your Own Gall Bladder Surgery After “Googling It”, So Why Would You Handle Your Own Family Law Case?
We see clients make a lot of mistakes when going through their divorce on their own. Family law is more complex than most people realize when they try to act as their own legal...
In an Argument with a High Conflict Personality? How You Could Unintentionally Be Fanning the Flames
We all know one: a Difficult Person. He may be a spouse or family member. She may be an ex-wife or co-worker. Despite your best intentions and well-rehearsed, compassionate...
How to Stay Out of My Office – Chapter 1
As an experienced family lawyer who knows how troublesome a divorce or family law disputes can get, I don’t want to see any of you in my office with one of those issues. I really...
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