#1 Rated Divorce Lawyers Near Me?
Effects of Divorce on Family Relationships
Divorce is a legal process that dissolves a marriage. It can be a challenging time for everyone involved, especially the children. The effects of divorce can be far-reaching and long-lasting, impacting family relationships for many years.
When couples decide to divorce, one of the most common concerns is how it will affect their children. The truth is, no one answer fits all families. Some children can cope well with divorce, while others may struggle. It largely depends on the individual child’s personality and coping mechanisms and the dynamics of the family unit before and after divorce.
Divorce can have several adverse effects on children. For example, they may experience sadness, anger, betrayal, abandonment, and insecurity. They may also struggle with issues such as trust and self-esteem. Additionally, they may have difficulty communicating and interacting with both parents after divorce.
Why Choose Our Austin Divorce Attorneys?

Best Lawyers Best Law Firms in Austin
We recognize how overwhelming and emotionally draining it can be to go through a divorce. However, you do not have to work through the process on your own. When you work with us, you become part of the team. We believe in personalized service that is constantly attuned to our client’s unique goals, and we always keep our clients informed about their case and what to expect. Our responsive attorneys have the dedication and trial-tested ability to protect your rights and safeguard your future. Don’t hesitate to see how we may be able to help you..
Call (512) 420-0555 for a more in-depth analysis of your divorce case.
Schedule your case consultation with our Austin divorce attorneys today!
Work with Skilled Negotiators & Expert Litigators
Divorce cases can often be resolved through informal negotiations. With a dedicated lawyer at your side, you can ensure your legal bases are covered as you and your spouse create the terms of a satisfactory divorce settlement. In more formal negotiations, such as collaborative divorce and divorce mediation, you can still achieve an amicable, less costly divorce.
Our divorce lawyers also recognize that divorcing spouses cannot always agree on the terms of a divorce. We have the experience and resources necessary to effectively pursue our clients’ interests in the courtroom in the event that a contested divorce goes to trial. Our devoted staff is ready to assist you from start to finish.
If you have questions about divorce, you can browse the FAQ section of our website, or better yet, feel free to speak to an attorney from our Austin divorce lawyers about your unique situation.